Earth Month Special: Being Eco-Friendly is A Lifetime Investment, Not A Trend

We are constantly warned of the detrimental impact of pollution. Each year, Earth Day is more significant than the previous.

Making conscious choices and caring for the world should be an everyday thing. Still, Earth Day is a day that signifies a globally unified effort to highlight serious environmental problems and push for greater actions to be done.

We dive a little more into this highly important day, what Thee is committed to doing and also share some few habits we can all adopt.



Earth Day falls on 22nd April each year, though we are seeing the message of Earth day being advocated throughout the entire month of April.

It takes the involvement of every organisation and bodies of every level to make large, positive environmental changes. Everyone is accountable. We are all partners to help the Earth become a cleaner place. 

Everyone Plays A Part Earth Day | THEE Nespresso® Compatible Tea Capsule

This year’s Earth day is a call for all to start investing in our beloved planet - from the governments, to businesses and right down to every individual like you and me.

“Every moment is an organising opportunity, every person is a potential activist, every minute a change to change the world” - Dolores Huerta


Sustainable shopping is one of the easiest ways to show, “I care”.

Being more educated and aware of the seriousness of climate change meant that consumers would naturally demand more.

Consumers want to know everything that a brand does is clean, green, safe for the world and fair treatment of their employees.

They are more than willing to support such brands.



There is a change in gear to embrace the sustainability movement better. More brand leaders are able to see the positive impact they can generate from it. 

For Thee, we sourced for alternatives to lessen our impact on Earth too. 

Compostable Capsules by THEE Nespresso® Compatible Tea Capsules

Understanding that the single-use capsules industry will greatly increase our landfills, we wanted our capsules to be Earth-friendly. 

In early 2021, we made a decisive call to change our plastic capsules to compostable ones. By switching to Terracaps®, we are able to reduce our packaging while still maintaining our tea’s freshness and quality.

Read more about Thee's commitment


Everyone Plays A Part, All Year Round

Being a sustainable individual or business is a commitment that we should be doing for a lifetime.

The sustainable movement is bigger than ever, consumers are becoming more aware of making educated, environmentally conscious choices. 

What we do today will create a ripple to influence the next one. 

Whilst we should be proud of the progress made, we must also remember not to fall behind on our efforts and continue to take consistent actions to rebuild a healthier planet for the next generations to come.

At individual level, easily we can:

  • Reduce the use of plastic
  • Use eco-friendly products
  • Choose plant based options
  • Switch off electricity when not in use

Let’s do our part, every day.  

Earth Day 2022 Commitment